Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blog Assignment 10

This semester has went by so fast. It seems like only yesterday I was just starting this class. This semester was quite different from the last. The Wild Wild West was the main topic this semester. I have never really been to excited about the Old West, it is just not something that interest me. After doing research on many topics, I learned about stuff that I never knew. I always knew about slaves and that they were mistreated but I never knew it was that bad. My research on this subject gave me a new prespective on slaves. My main struggle this semester was the topic. Again, I have never been really into the Old West theme. Of course you always have your easy parts to ever semester and blogs is one of them. I can sit here and type about whatever the subject may be. These are the easiest parts of the assignments. I have put a lot of effort into all my papers and I do not think I would go back and change anything I am pretty pleased with the grades I have recieved. The thing I liked the most about this semester is the way the assignments are done make it easy for me to follow and are put in a timely matter that suits my everday life minus the few draw backs this semester. I also am pleased with Professor Stacy. She is great! She gives good advise and is understanding to situations unlike other teachers I have had in the past. Thanks Stacy! The dislike for me this semester was the topic, but it was a good experience for me to learn about things that I had no clue about. As far as fun goes the whole semester was a blast!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blog Assignment 8

This paper was definetly the hardest out of every paper that I have wrote. The length is always a hard part for me. I got a good 5 pages and some of the peer reviews suggest that I make it a tad bit longer. I will have to re-read the paper and see what I can do. I also had a suggestion about using the word "I" in my paper. I will go back and change that. It was just a mistake while I was writing. I also had a suggestion about signal phrases. I am not too sure on what those are but I will look it up and see what it is about to know what I can do in my paper. I really had some good reviews on it being both informative and persuasive. They liked my conclusion and introduction. I really appreciate the compliments and the good advise I was given. I will recheck the paper as well for grammar errors. After I really narrowed down my topic and got to a point on what I was going to write about with that topic things feel into place and made it a whole lot easier. I always make things harder than they really are. Thanks again for the peer reviews. Good Luck to everyone on this essay!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog Assignment 7

Writing a research paper can be very difficult. It seemed really easy picking a topic but I am having a hard time on what to write about with it. I have researched and seemed to have found plenty of resources but as I read them it does not seem to fit with what I think it should. I thought I had enough information to write the paper but I seem to find myself falling short. I am really behind on this essay due to the lack of information that I need. I am really going to have to work hard to have it even close to ready before tuesday. These are the worst papers to write. I found some info on the internet that would help me and I know I can use it but need the other sources as well. It seems a lot easier to get information off of the internet than reading 8 books and trying to get information out of them. Can we please have an extension on this paper? I totally understand if it is not possible. I will try my best to get asap but cant guarantee the quality it will have. I have so much trouble with these papers and especially it being a typed 6-8 pages.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blog Assignment 5

I had looked at several topic for essay 2. I still cannot come to the conclusion on which one would be the best one for me to do. I did do some research on the Pinkerton Detectives. They were a private U.S. security guard and a detective agency. It was established in 1850. Their security services ranged from security guarding to private military work. There were more agents employed than there were members of the standing army of the U.S. The Pikertons were hired to track western outlaws like Jesse James, the Reno Gang, and the Wild Bunch. It is pretty neat that there were private agencies hired to track down some of the wild ones from the West. I still do not think that I have enough information about this to be able to write a 6-8 page paper so I am still researching for others.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Blog Assignment 4

Weather has made it difficult for me to do assignments this past two weeks. I was not able to do peer reviews but I have looked over my paper and changed a few things. I was trying to get a good introduction and after a few times reading it I think that I got it this time. I found several grammer mistakes in my paper and have changed them. I am going to submit my paper and hope for the best. Hopefully next time I can get reviews to help me with my paper.

Blog Assignment 3

In this week's blog we were suppose to discuss our peer reviews that we had received on our essay. Due to the weather I was unable to submit my essay in time and I could not respond to anyone's essays. I just now got power back and I am trying to catch up on all of my assignments. I am sorry that I could not read and respond to peer reviews in time. Trust me I would have rather done anything than what I was doing. It was pretty rough without power for almost 2 weeks. Hopefully things will get better and everyone can get caught up on all of their assignments. I hope everyone is ok and everyone gets power back soon if you don't already have it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blog Assignment 2

This website is amazing. It gives great detail about anything you would need to know to get to know more about Theodore Roosevelt. It has different links to click on to guide you on what you want to read about. It has biography link, photographic bio, timeline, quotes, and much much more. This is quite a resourceful site. It helps to understand more and is going to be helpful in my essay.

This website is definetly credible. It just does not give enough information to be able to use in my essay. This site gives a quick overview as his life as president. It does not go into great detail, but some may learn about some of the hightlights as president.

I have always found these websites to be helpful in my writing of essays. This type of website uses other resources to create their site. There are many different catagories on this site. This is why I like them so much. It gives information about every little single thing that occured in Roosevelt's life and all the great accomplishments that he made. It has a variety of information.

This website was very different from the rest of the sites I explored. This site does not give any information about his life or accomplishments made. This site simply gives quotes that were made by him throughout his life that have stuck with people today. It is very neat to read some of the things he had said. Some companies even got their saying from Roosevelt. Read them you might find them interesting.

This website is great for my essay about Theodore Roosevelt. It had some other information that was more important to my paper compared to other sites. This overview of his life gave more of a connection to him and the West. It tells about his contribution to the West and the people that lived there. This site gave more information than just him as President of the United States. This site will be a big source for my essay.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Blog Assignment 1

This semester is going to be quite interesting. The wild wild west is something that I know nothing about. I do not get into western movies. I have watched a few before, but they are not for me. There is a few people that I have heard from the old days. I have heard of Jesse James, Billy the kid, and Big Foot. I do not know a lot about any of them. I hope their lives were interesting. This will keep me more into what I am writing about. This is a hard subject for someone who has never really got into it. Some of you may enjoy this semester. I know there is a lot of people who enjoy western movies and subjects. The only thing that I like about the wild wild west or western style shows and subjects are the buildings. I love the swinging doors on the fronts and the look of the buildings. All the towns seemed to be small too. That is something else I would have enjoyed. I wish everyone good luck this semester. I hope to learn a lot about this subject.